Your Skilled and Knowledgeable HVAC Contractor.
At Weber Refrigeration and Heating Inc, we have a team of HVAC experts trusted by many homeowners and business owners. Our company is headquartered in Dodge City, Kansas and serves the Oklahoma Panhandle.
Common Mistakes by Service Providers
Furnaces, air-conditioning systems, boilers, refrigeration systems, or ice machines fail because of improper installation 50% of the time. Usually, the cause of problems are:
Improperly Engineered Ductwork
Incorrect Refrigerant Charge or Settings
Improper Line Sizing
Inaccurate Vacuuming (of the Refrigerant System)
Failure to Nitrogen Purge During Welding

How To Choose a Contractor
Many people think selecting an HVAC&R contractor is like choosing a commodity. They often regret their decision after spending thousands and ending up with a system that gives them poor reliability, high utility bills, or poor response time.
Picking the right brand of bacon, cake mix, microwave oven, or possibly even a car can be very important. However, when choosing an HVAC or refrigeration system, the service provider is more consequential than the brand of the equipment.
It may take you an hour to read, study, and investigate your options. But if you choose the wrong company, you may regret it for a decade.
Our History
Mike Weber's father, Roy, was a small-town grocery store owner. He encouraged Mike to learn the refrigeration trade.
Roy bought a 1966 Buick LeSabre brand new and sold it to Mike in 1971. Mike worked on restoring it from 1995 to 2015 and painted it orange. Roy also taught him the importance of excellent customer care.

In 1980
Mike Weber and his family moved to 2006 Apache street in Garden City. Weber Refrigeration and Heating Inc started in a small garage. From the very beginning, our focus was prompt, quality service.
By 1982
We had so many happy customers that it took five of us to continue to meet our promise. We soon moved to 105 South 13th in Garden City.

In 1983
We bought this little 1970 stubbed nose Dodge pickup from a guy named Park BOWKER. The guys thought I was BONKERS for buying it and have always affectionatly called it the BONKERS TRUCK. Whenever we put it in parades the patrons call it the BURN OUT TRUCK.
In the mid-80s
Mike's brother Mark started our Liberal branch because we had many customers from Liberal and the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas. Currently, this branch is managed by Mike Tolar, who has been with us since 1990.

After Expanding Three Times on South 13th
We bought the old Dillons store at 711 North Main in Garden City in 1990. This building serves as our central warehouse, training center, and service management hub.
Dave Lennox himself came to help us christen our new Dodge City office that started beside Mike Weber's home at 10562 West Highway 50.

Around 1988
Brian Weber showed off our Conestoga wagon at the grand opening of our Ulysses branch. Brian currently works in our Garden City office as Business Manager and many other tasks.
Grand Opening of the 711 N Main Garden City Office.
In 1990
Stephen Weber officially joined the company in 1990. Today, Stephen is our General Manager after working as a janitor, dispatcher, service tech, installer, clerk and salesman.
The board in the background is how we used to keep all of our calls organized before we fully computerized.

In 2000
We moved the Dodge City office to 11154 Kliesen Street. This building serves as our central bookkeeping, dispatching, and general management office. It is also our local sheet metal shop and warehouse.
Kris Moore, part of our sales team, brought his sprint car down for this picture. You can see him most Saturday nights at the Dodge City Speedway.
We have more than 30 guys in the orange trucks all over Western Kansas, the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles, and Southwest Colorado. We provide prompt and quality solutions to thousands of loyal customers.
Our company also has about 20 people working in support, inventory, management, sales, clerical, and dispatching roles to ensure the professional care you deserve.

Our Training
We have four hours of classroom training weekly. Every morning, we have a round table session where we network, share specific problems and solutions, and learn from one another.
Our process gives a significant advantage over smaller companies that do not have the benefit of more than 30 technicians’ shared knowledge.

Our Philosophy
At our company, we maintain an “Honesty at All Cost” policy. Our two main goals are:
To honor and serve God in and through all we do
To provide a safe, enjoyable, secure, and high-income place of employment for all of our employees
We believe that we will be able to accomplish our goals by:
Hiring the best people
Providing them with the best training and motivation
Encourage our staff to work hard and smart
Offering excellent support to our employees
Treating our customers and peers as we would like to be treated
Why Should You Care?
Most companies will tell you that their customers are number one. Sadly or not, we cannot honestly say that, and won't lie about it. What we can say, is that we completely recognize that if we do not treat you as if you were number one, we will not be able to accomplish our goals. I think you will be very pleased with our services.
Our Principles
Every year, several major news agencies run an undercover operation to test the honesty and integrity of heating and air-conditioning companies. The results vary, finding that between 50% and 100% of the repair people are dishonest.
While we cannot ensure that our guys are 100% honest, we have set up policies that significantly improve our odds.
Our Founder’s Take on Integrity
“It is a sad state that our country is in, when a quality like this even needs to be mentioned instead of just being expected.
I'm sure many of you can remember a day when most business people were honest; a day when you could believe your political leaders; a day when the CEOs of large companies weren't out to cheat their stockholders.
We believe this is the way it still should be. Our employee manual has a section labeled General Expected Commitment of Employee to Employer.
Here is number one on this list. Tell the truth in all situations and dealings with all vendors, fellow employees, customers, and management.
I am motivated by my allegiance to the GOD of the BIBLE. Hebrews 6:6 states that if I represent myself as a Christian, and then act in a different manner in public, that I am subjecting Christ to public disgrace. This is a standard I take very seriously.
If you have any reason to believe that anyone in our company is not living up to this standard, please call me personally.”
- Mike A. Weber
Our Technicians
We have more than 600 years of cumulative experience. Many of our technicians have over 20 years each.
Most of our experts have been trained in Vo-Techs and colleges. We also have four hours of classroom training each week.
Every morning, we have a round table session where we learn from one another about how we can do a better job for you.
This behavior should come naturally. But most of the time, it doesn’t, so we attempt to teach courtesy. If an employee is not interested in treating our customers politely, we let them go to work for someone else.
It takes commitment to be available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Our technicians rush to your aid at the drop of a hat. They get up on your rooftops or to your attics when it's 0 or 105 degrees and crawl under your homes with snakes and spiders.
We appreciate these guys and think you will too.
Our Trucks
Before any service call, we do our best to anticipate what parts we will need for our vehicles. Most of our trucks have more than 10,000 worth of inventory, greatly decreasing the chance that we will have to make two trips and costing you more money.
Our large inventory also increases the possibility that we will get your system running immediately.
We have equipped our trucks with some of the most advanced diagnostic tools available. These devices aid us in quickly and accurately identifying your problem so our skilled technicians can offer you a solution.
Many of our competitors charge a few dollars less per hour for their services, and yet you pay almost twice as much because they have to make more trips. We believe that once you consider all that is different about us, you will want us to help you.
Our Management
We exercise servant leadership and believe our valued customers are the boss. Our team understands that our number one job is serving you.
Our company assists you directly with our frontline team. This group includes our dispatchers who answer our phones and our technicians who repair or install your systems.
We also have linebackers, the people you don’t often see. They help our frontline team by ordering materials, doing the books, organizing workloads, and overseeing others to ensure high-quality service.
Finally, our top management serves all other employees by organizing, enabling, teaching, and encouraging them to assist you.
We learned this principle from the son of a famous King. This Prince once said, “Whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve."
We want to be first, and we believe that you will give us that privilege if we serve you.

Have Questions for Us?
Connect with our HVAC experts today to receive the answers you need.